Star Wars 40th Anniversary Fan Exhibit

Today is the 40th anniversary of the premiere of Star Wars A New Hope. So here is a  selection of some of the Star Wars characters I have sculpted over the last few years.

Sketchfab models are best viewed on a PC or MAC for the correct lighting.

Emperor Palpatine

Finally finished the Palpatine model for now. Sculpted and painted in 123D Creature/Sculpt+, model components arranged in Lightwave and rendered with Sketchfab.


As as always best viewed on a PC or Mac for correct lighting and shadows.

Emperor Palpatine, Created in 123D Sculpt+ & Sketchfab.

Emperor Palpatine WIP Update 01

This update is a test of the head and cloak sculpt models together. Started adding painted detail to the face but everything is still only using a colour texture map. I wanted to create an improved model compared to the first Palpatine sculpt I created three years ago. By creating two separate objects in 123D Sculpt+ it has allowed more polygons for the head sculpt instead of sacrificing them for the cloak. Created in 123D Creature/Sculpt+ and rendered with Sketchfab.

As always for correct lighting it is best to view Sketchfab models on a PC or Mac especially for this model as the iPad will not show the shadows correctly!